We are contracted with the California Energy Commission to conduct the California Statewide Commercial End-Use Survey (CEUS), and to update load shapes and the hourly electric load model (HELM) component of the CEC Forecasting Model. The latter involves construction of dynamic load shape generators through calibrated simulations or regressions on customer AMI data, and the development of a software module to facilitate peak hour demand extraction from sector-level annual forecast scenarios.
For the CEUS project, we have worked with CEC to update survey questions and associated data collection protocols. We work with all the major California utilities (PG&E, SCE, SoCalGas, SDG&E, SMUD, and LADWP) to obtain CIS and meter data, and in this process, we have successfully completed third-party security review from PG&E.
We have developed a sampling strategy and operation protocols to conduct surveys of 27,000 business locations throughout California.