John Drevenak, LEED AP

Senior Engineer

Mr. Drevenak has more than nine years of experience with implementation and evaluation of demand side management initiatives.  His work currently ranges from performing project-level impact evaluation, providing early data to inform program stakeholders of potential risk, to providing comprehensive, program-level evaluation. For various clients, he has also created tools to minimize the uncertainty of both ex ante and ex post energy savings estimates.

For Ameren Missouri, Mr. Drevenak has provided project-level impact evaluation throughout the full project life cycle. This has included pre-implementation evaluation of projects exceeding specified, program-specific and measure-specific ex ante energy savings thresholds, as well as projects with the greatest uncertainty regarding baseline conditions. He has conducted numerous pre-installation site visits, including collection of data through installation of metering equipment and through utilizing his experience with many building control systems (BMS) to trend data with existing site capabilities. Mr. Drevenak also determined ex post energy savings for various types of measures, from lighting to whole building projects, using IPMVP Options A, B, C and D.

Mr. Drevenak performed planning and execution of M&V activities for numerous projects in the Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity standard, custom and new construction programs for public sector facilities for the Illinois Energy Now portfolio. He performed site-level data collection and analysis using IPMVP methods A, B, C and D for both electric and natural gas energy savings.

He also identified and implemented key improvement in the program’s application and implementation process that reduced the applicant workload while also increasing the scope and quality of program application data collected and referenced to calculated measure-level energy and peak demand savings. He executed this task by designing and implemented a Microsoft Excel-based program application workbook that intuitively guided program applicants to provide all required information to support proper calculation of incentive level and TRM-consistent calculation of energy impacts. The interactive tool, programmed without reliance on macros as required for compliance with state data management protocols, provided guidance on application inputs along with error checking. This program application tool worked with the ADM-developed Energy Portfolio Information Management System (EPIMS) through automatic transfer of application data to that EPIMS database, greatly reducing the manual data entry required of the program implementation staff.

Mr. Drevenak earned his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Missouri at Rolla.

tel. (916) 363-8383