Energy Trust of Oregon, a nonprofit organization that administers energy efficiency and renewable energy programs for investor-owned utilities in Oregon and Washington, has conducted a Customer Insights Study since 2016 to provide insights into residential customers’ needs and concerns. In 2019, Energy Trust selected ADM Associations to conduct the study with an expanded scope and sample size. ADM surveyed 7,257 residential customers to identify how demographics were related to awareness of and likelihood of being served by Energy Trust programs as well as to customer attitudes and motivations. ADM used letters, postcards, emails, and phone calls, in English and Spanish, to achieve a 19% overall response rate. The results gave Energy Trust information on how it might better reach underserved customer groups. ADM also used study data to assess the feasibility of characterizing program participants based on the demographics of the areas where they live. Our results indicated that approach did not provide an accurate characterization, suggesting alternative approaches should be used.
Energy Trust of Oregon
Market Research
Publicly Available Reporting
2020 Customer Insights Study Final Report
The link above provides a copy of ADM’s report for the Customer Insights Study.