Since 2011, we have conducted EM&V of the Black Hills Energy Arkansas programs. Our work has included net-to-gross studies for audit-based C&I programs, in which we conducted in-depth interviews with large industrial audit recipients in all stages of implementation: audit without completed projects, projects in-progress, and post-installation. With this data, we provide Black Hills Energy with annual estimates of participant- and partial-participant spillover. Other studies we have completed in this scope included a metering study of residential furnaces, and a benchmarking study of prescriptive incentive levels for commercial HVAC equipment, water heaters, and food service equipment.
Black Hills Energy
Energy Efficiency Evaluation
Scope of Work
Baseline Assessments | √ | Free Ridership & Spillover Assessment | √ | |
Ex Ante / Concurrent Evaluation | √ | In-Depth Interviewing | √ | |
Statistical & Econometric Analysis | √ | Survey Development & Administration | √ | |
Building Energy Simulation | √ | Cost Effectiveness Analysis | √ | |
Behavioral Program Evaluation | √ | Statistical Sampling Planning | √ |
Publicly Available Reporting
Evaluation of the 2015 Demand Side Management Portfolio
The link above goes to Black Hill Energy’s Program Year 2015 Comprehensive Energy Efficiency Plan. ADM’s Evaluation of the full portfolio of Arkansas programs can be found in Appendix A.